A few things happen.
Often what happens is that the targets are convicted. They are often fined significant amounts of money, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars, and a time sentenced to jail terms. The highest jail term received so far is three and a half years, but it wasn't until 2009 that the penalty was increased to 14 years in jail, so we expect more severe jail terms.
In terms of victim restitution, there are provisions in the Criminal Code for that avenue for judges. There are also proceeds of crime that attaches to our offences, as well as Criminal Code offences. At times we do that.
It's really a question most of the time of what kind of evidence we're able to uncover at the time of our investigations. The criminals are smart, as has been said, and often they move and hide their money. When we find it, we do what we can. We're getting better and better at identifying those assets.