Of the $24 million in budgets that we have in the main estimates for 2014-15, about two-thirds of that is for salary of our personnel. We have about 181 FTEs in our organization. The remainder is other operating funds. A small portion of that, approximately $500,000, covers contribution programs, mainly for research-associated activities.
Out of this funding of $24 million, we have almost half dedicated to our compliance activities. These are our investigations, both on the Privacy Act side and on the PIPEDA side, as well as our PIAs, privacy impact assessments, and some of our audits, things of that sort—any activities, whether they be legal activities or technological activities, that support that function. That's almost half of our organization.
As well, we have about 12% to 15% dedicated for our research and policy development activities, which are an integral part of the organization, as well as our public outreach activities.
Finally, the remainder—so about a quarter of those resources—is dedicated to internal services that support all of these programs.