Thank you, Madam Borg.
Is there any further debate on amendment NDP-1? Seeing none, we'll call the vote, then. All those in favour, please signify in the usual manner.
(Amendment negatived)
The amendment does not succeed. NDP-1 is struck. That will also have the effect of defeating NDP-5.
We have further amendments to clause 2. Amendment NDP-2 calls for Bill C-520, in clause 2, to be amended by adding after line 31 on page 2 the following:
“partisan manner” means conducting one's duties and responsibilities in such a way as to constitute a political activity that would be disallowed under Part 7 of the Public Service Employment Act as impairing or being perceived to impair the ability of an individual to perform his or her duties in a politically impartial manner.
That's in the name of Mr. Ravignat.
Mr. Ravignat, do you have any comments on your amendment?