Yes, absolutely. I'm getting around to that, Madam Chair. I appreciate that.
As we talk about clause 10, in order to truly understand what Mr. Adler has done and why this is coming, I think you have to set a framework for it so that people can truly appreciate what has gone on.
I note that in his testimony recently, when he was asked about his potentially illegal use of House of Commons resources, my colleagues.... It was apparently, according to the Leader of the Opposition, an innovation. It's an innovation of the NDP to have House of Commons resources in provinces in which they have no members of Parliament. What an innovation that is, my friends. Imagine that.
I'm sure the hard-working taxpayers of my community, those farmers, those people who get up early and bust their ass all day, are really grateful for the innovation that the NDP have come up with, misappropriating hundreds, millions of taxpayers' dollars. What an innovation that is. The NDP have innovated how to take money from Canadians' pockets, use it for political purposes, and accomplish absolutely nothing. That's a great innovation.
I guess, colleagues, that explains why the NDP have never had the pleasure and the trust of the Canadian people to sit on this side of the table, and that's why they continue to lose election after election. I think it's 16 straight elections that they've lost, my friends. Again, if I'm wrong, please correct me; if anybody out there knows that I'm wrong. Maybe it's 17, I don't know, but it's 16 straight elections.
Of course they did have the opportunity once, in the province of Ontario—and I'll wrap up with this—and it was an absolute catastrophe, of course. In fact, the NDP were so bad at government, the NDP premier at that time was so embarrassed by his own government, that he actually left the party. He was so embarrassed about his own government and his five years in office that he left the party and wrote a book telling people just how bad the NDP are and why they basically should never be trusted with taxpayers' money.
In summary, Madam Chair, I look forward to debating more clauses. We've spent so much time on this bill after what I thought was good faith that I feel very energized right now. We have a couple of hours. Let's debate every single clause. We have clause 10, clause 11, and who knows, maybe the title. We can spend a lot of time talking about the title while we learn more of the innovations of the Leader of the Opposition and the creative ways he found to take taxpayers' money and try to hide that fact from the people of Canada.
Madam Chair, ultimately what I'm trying to say here is that Mr. Adler has done his work, and the committee has done its work, and that's why at this point we have decided, because of the absolute, utmost respect we have not only for the agents of Parliament but for the people who work in the professional public service, to make these changes.
Also, the bill has been brought forward, as Mr. Adler has pointed out, out of the outmost respect for the people of Canada, who want to make sure that the professional public service that serves them and serves members of Parliament, and by extension, obviously, the 34 million Canadians out there who send basically 50% of their paycheque to service government at all levels.... They want to have that same confidence.
I applaud Mr. Adler for bringing this bill forward. I applaud most of the members of this committee, at least on this side, who have taken the process for what it is worth and, at least on this side, have shown that when Parliament works, it can work very well, unlike the childish and silly antics that we've unfortunately seen from the NDP.