I'm more interested, though, in the sharing between the consumers and.... You earn money from the financial institutions because you help them protect their investments, you help them ensure that people who are borrowing money are a good risk. But it strikes me that as things have changed...and obviously, identify theft has become a really big problem in the last little while.
One of the big problems we see is that consumers, rightly or wrongly, whether they believe it or not, feel they have limited access to the reports you're keeping on them, and that this is actually helping to increase identity theft. It's not until someone gets rejected for something because of something on their report that they have knowledge of the fact that something has happened with their identity.
Wouldn't having easier access to the reports you're keeping on consumers...? I know that would be a change in your business model, but wouldn't our having easier access, quicker access, and more frequent access to the things you have on us also help you in your quest to stop identity theft?