Yes. Again, it's always by mail. I can pay and have it immediately as a consumer, but I have to pay the $26. Somehow I have to wait for the mail because you guys have to have offices in different provinces. Well, boo hoo, too bad. Get out of the business if you don't like it, I guess is the reality.
The problem is that the consumers are having a difficult time. When you guys make a mistake, whether it's your own fault or not, or somehow a mistake is made, it impacts consumers, and it's not easy for a consumer then to fix a mistake that has happened—sometimes by no fault of their own, by somebody else's criminal negligence, or whatever—and the only way for us to do that for free is to wait for you to mail something out to us, or pay. That is obviously causing a big dilemma, because things have changed over the last 10 years, so your business model, presumably, should change to follow.