When you look at credit monitoring I would go back to the point I made earlier, that it's not just the monitoring aspect of it. The credit monitoring tool as it's sold has an education process to it, a management process. Again, I have my credit file. I get my email that says there's no news, but I still access it to see what's happening, if balances are changing, scores are changing—the things that make a difference from a credit monitoring perspective.
I would agree with Carol, that it seems because it's computerized and it's automated...but when you're processing hundreds of millions of transactions on a monthly basis it's not inexpensive. Then there's the call centre to support those customers. Often, when fraud alerts come in...and I know we talk about creating online access. The other thing I would emphasize is that when you have a customer call in about a fraud, all this information may be on the website, but they still need to talk to somebody. They want to talk to somebody on the other side to help them feel better about what's happened, as opposed to feeling they're in the dark.
There is a component of.... We're underwater on the fraud alerts. I know it's $5, but when you're talking to somebody and you're trying to walk them through what's happened and what they should be looking for, we lose money on that process.