If I could just make some closing remarks, that would be great.
This committee has the opportunity to really affect long-term identity theft in Canada, and I really hope that the study that comes out will make certain recommendations that will see that on-the-ground transformation.
I'll make one observation, three recommendations, and I'll conclude.
The first observation is that identity theft is happening right now in Canada. Over 100,000 people are dealing with this issue as we speak right now, and they need support. We're going to be able to reduce identity theft if many of the measures that the different agencies are working on are put into effect. But right now there are individuals who are suffering. That is basically what we are here to do.
So I'm hoping that all of you will make recommendations that will include increased victim support from government and the private sector, increased education and outreach, and also the development of a national index of what's going on with identity theft. I think those are three critical areas that this committee could recommend.
Thank you very much, and thank you very much for taking this very important issue on.