I think the answer can only be anecdotal because, obviously, we're in a very well-placed position to make significant investments. The reason you see new companies and new software initiatives frequently being the victims of data breaches and large scale criminal enterprise is they don't have the resources to apply to security. They have the barest skills and investments.
We are talking about significant investments in the technical infrastructure. Also there is a skills war for people that understand this space and understand the latest vulnerabilities and how to resolve them. As well, there's the compliance and legal regime that it takes to build the sort of reporting structure that Rogers has just announced today that we have in order to deal with law enforcement requests in a fair, equitable, and rapid manner. It's a sizeable investment.
For us it's one that we're willing to make because we need to maintain our users' trust and provide them with accountability, but honestly it's a continuing challenge. In many cases it's one where you have to share resources between companies as well.