I can't speak specifically to whether we've had a relationship with law enforcement about that, but certainly, any open e-mail system provides some level of anonymity or pseudonymity, and you can create an e-mail account under whatever name and specific identity you'd like. There are certain safety measures as you try to build out that relationship with us as a company, because then you start to provide more information about you as an individual, which is harder to fake. It needs more of an element of verification, but it's certainly still quite an easy process to follow through on.
On the tail end, as law enforcement is looking for information about that account, I have to echo what Ken has been saying about the processes Rogers follows. We don't hand over information without a warrant, without a court order, except in a situation where there are exigent circumstances, where there's going to be harm, or specifically in the case of child sexual imagery, where we take as many steps as we can with partners that we have worked with over the long term to shut down that activity and provide information so that the case can be followed up.