I identified a number of priorities.
We're improving our registries. Before now, you had to go in separately to see a member and a minister if it was the same person, and we're going to try to fix that. We're continuing to pull together our precedents in an internal manual for the staff. We're improving our electronic system of precedents to make them much easier for the staff to find.
I have a list of three or four other things. There are a lot of things that we're still working on. I have a list here somewhere.
We're going to set up a system of checking our performance measurement. We now have a strategy that we've developed, so we're going to start actually doing performance checking of some of the activities we do.
We're looking at succession planning issues. We've just developed some competency profiles, so we will start to now do a better job, I think, of perhaps hiring people who could do a number of different jobs in the office. But we are a small office, so there will always be ups and downs in there. Corporate memory transfer is important to us. We're looking for ways of making that corporate memory accessible to the staff.
There is a lot to be done, but there's no glaring problem at the moment, I don't think.