Thank you.
The OPC under Madame Stoddart had four such priorities, and they served the organization very well during her tenure. With my arrival, I think it's timely to modernize these priorities, and it was foreseen that this would be done even before I arrived. I intend to look at these priorities in light of the current environment and the current issues. I want to consult with various sectors in society on what the priorities of the office should be over the next however many years, say five years.
We will consult in five cities across Canada, from January to February or March, with various sectors of the population: certainly the private sector, which would be affected by PIPEDA; civil society; academia; consumer groups; and focus groups of the general population, because I think they too have something to say about what is of concern to them in terms of privacy. We would like to hear from certain representatives of the general population regarding their concerns so that they can be taken into consideration as we develop our priorities. I want to do that in a consultative and inclusive way.
After these sessions, we will sit down in the office and determine how to reflect these comments in new strategic priorities, which goes directly to the subject matter of the meeting today. We want to ensure we are the most effective in how we use our resources, and having modernized priorities will help us focus our activity so that we are as effective as possible.