They are complaints. About 250 institutions are covered by the act. The year before last, which is the last year for which we have statistics, the government received 55,000 or so requests across the system. That was about a 27% increase from the previous year. This was completely unprecedented across the system; it's not just my office.
I can say as well, sir, that it was not related to any issue, any specific departments or trends that we could see. It's the same thing in our complaints. Usually if there's a big jump, there's a topic, there's an institution, something happens, or there's a big surge. That year there was nothing like that, no trends whatsoever. It was an across-the-board huge increase, and the main increase came from members of the public.
The only thing I can surmise from what I see in the data is that there is clearly a heightened awareness in the members of the public about their right of access. I can't see any other trends.