Thank you very much, Chair.
As you said, we usually work backwards from a tabling day. The House rises in June, so assuming a tabling day in June, the committee would need time to review, and then even after a review there's a bit of production that goes on, some proofreading and so forth. Prior to your review, obviously you need a few days beforehand, and before that there's translation, and before that there's our writing it, and before that there's our hearing the last of the witnesses and getting direction.
Obviously, we're at the direction of the committee. Assuming a tabling date in June, we were looking at writing during the break week of May 24. If we were to write that week, we would then submit it to translation, say, on Thursday, May 26. We'd get it back from translation on June 2. It would then be distributed to committee members to review, in which case that review could begin on the June 7, and I don't know how much time will be needed to review recommendations and so forth.
The other question we have is, how would we go about recommendations? Often the analysts prepare them based on the testimony. The way we're thinking of it now is using the themes that have been established by the commissioner, a structured report that way, have recommendations based on those themes, and then it would be up to the committee to debate them. That's one way of proceeding.