I'm on Facebook all the time. My wife says I'm married to your platform for better or for worse. The issue I see is the anti-Muslim, pro-Russian, pro-Putin, pro-Assad comments. They are derailed comments.
I'm always trying to do deal with this, but that's small potatoes compared to what has happed in Myanmar. Alan Davis, who is one of the people looking at that genocide, said:
I think things are so far gone in Myanmar right now... I really don’t know how Zuckerberg and co sleep at night. If they had any kind of conscience they would be pouring a good percentage of their fortunes into reversing the chaos they have created.
You have an enormous power with your corporation. It's unprecedented in history. With Facebook identified as one of the key sources of such horrific killings, I would think that Facebook would be so outraged that you would be begging to come to committee, not being asked to come to committee, to say, “We will make sure that this will never happen again.”
So, where is that assurance?