We understand very much where you're coming from. We understand our responsibilities. I think, as I indicated in the opening statement, we did not take a broad enough view about our responsibilities. It's not enough just to build tools that people can use; we have to ensure they're not abused.
We have made big commitments to grow our safety team, going from 10,000 to 20,000 people in the next year, which is a significant undertaking for a company of a certain number of full-time employees, and we will continue to do more, both on the technical side, which we spent some time talking about, but also on having enough people on the ground to deal with all these types of issues.
I certainly would never want to say that we are perfect and that we'll get it right tomorrow, but we certainly have been on this journey for the last year or more. We see much more work to be done. I want to assure you that we will do all we can in Canada, but also elsewhere around the world, to ensure that abuses do not happen.