Well, I think an area of great concern is where this data is coming from, and obviously, with the Cambridge Analytica data breach and the data acquired through Aleksandr Kogan, we're looking at that directly.
Looking at the transcript of AIQ's evidence to your committee, I think they're very careful in the words they use. They talk about being a whole big dataset and that they don't hold the data. That may be technically true if exists in the cloud somewhere, but they have access to it. They may say, “We don't have big databases of data. We don't keep data”, but they may have access to it, and they can use it.
Certainly the techniques that have been used here seem to be the gathering of multiple datasets, some of it commercial data that can be acquired through companies like Experian, some of it data acquired from Facebook profiles, and some of it voter data and other data—anything you can get your hands on effectively all put into the mix. You get the very sophisticated profiling of individuals crucially linked to their Facebook profile with the ability then to target them directly through Facebook in that way. Not only that, but you can also create a custom audience of those people, and then take that up to Facebook. Facebook will then find you a look-alike audience of people like them that will make your campaign even more widespread and successful.
What's clear is that, once you've built these custom audience datasets, and you've linked them back to Facebook, you don't need the original datasets anymore. These companies can then say—and maybe honestly—that they've given back that data or have destroyed that data. That may be true, but the derivative of that data is something they own in perpetuity, and there's certainly nothing Facebook can do to get that data back.
As you rightly say, there could be all sorts of datasets acquired in there. Our concern would be if that data had been acquired illegally. That's a serious a matter, and we as a parliamentary committee would certainly come to a view on that, but it's right that the UK authorities would seek to bring criminal charges against people who have broken the law.