In a broader approach to the problem, I'll give you an anecdote. In the 1950s in Quebec, there were some priests who said in their speeches that the sky is blue and hell is red. Apparently, they were referring to political parties according to their colour. If this is not fake news, it's at least propaganda.
The issue is freedom of speech. It's not new that we are bombarded with all kinds of fake news and false information. It's a technique used in World War II, and it's been going on for centuries. Although we end up with a situation where my information is used to provide me with all kinds of false information, there's nothing much I can do about it, since anyone can say anything they want. It's for me to believe it or not and make my decision based on my own knowledge.
It might not be moral, it might not be fine to exchange and exploit information in this way, but in the end I cannot do much about it. My problem is not the fact that I'm bombarded with all kinds of false information; my challenge is that I need to find a way to better monitor what people do with my information. Consequently, should I prohibit that and therefore put at risk other companies where the business plan is based on selling information for advertising and so on?