Under U.K. law, and in fact under data protection law across the EU, there has to be a specified purpose for the collection and the use of data. If, for example, somebody was answering a quiz and thinking that they were sharing that information for one purpose, such as academic research, and that data was then used for a different purpose, such as political campaigning or profiling an individual as to their categories and their political leanings, then that would be a contravention of U.K. law. That is precisely what we're investigating.
When somebody releases personal information in an application or on a social media site, there needs to be some notification and clear purposes as to what that information is going to be used for. If there isn't, there is a contravention of law.
At the beginning of my remarks, I said that when it comes to establishing political opinions or political persuasion, that's a special category of personal information that requires explicit consent to use, and that again is a question that's central to our investigation in the U.K.