Thank you for your questions.
If I may, the first thing you have to understand as I go into this is that enormous amounts of data are collected without transparency, without your voluntarily knowing. What they've discovered with GDPR is that these social media platforms have literally millions of pages on you without your knowing it, including all the routing of where you personally moved throughout the year.
Many other things, different datasets, are brought together or “hashed” as they say. There are enormous sets of data that you haven't consented to being given. My main response to that is I'm encouraged by the questions you're asking because it shows me that you're not prepared to be tricked by platitudes like “informed consent” or “anonymization” or “transparency” or “nuance.” Those are trick words. Be very careful when they say they don't resell information because.... Do you exploit information? Understand that enormous amounts of data are collected without your knowing.
Have you heard of Sidewalk Labs? How are you able to opt out of all of that information they collect on you? There was a recent story of how Facebook was working with hospitals by anonymizing your data for your health care but were able to cross-reference that through AI to your personal social media and extract that to know who you are.
So, be very careful with these claims of informed consent and voluntariness in the surveillance state. As was said earlier, this is going much faster than we understand it and we are cascading towards a surveillance state. As you see by the framework I give to you, it touches all aspects of our sovereign citizenship, well beyond the economy.