I think there are many practices that should be changed.
One, you have to look at the ethics of the algorithms and how they impact and persuade people's behaviour. You had comments about advertising, and there's been considerable discussion about how algorithms promote certain kinds of divisive viewing on things like YouTube, because the algorithms are designed to get you to watch more, and they nudge you more to extremes the more you watch.
I think we have to properly regulate these things. I think we need proper standards for them. I think you've learned that companies respond after they get caught, and this shows that you need proper and responsible regulation.
It's not the same but it rhymes, in that we heard a lot of these issues in California when they started to legislate for emissions on cars and everybody said that it would be the end of the automotive industry, that you couldn't innovate, and that it wasn't going to be profitable. We now have better cars, less emissions, and record profits from the automotive companies. These things, properly implemented, can all positively reinforce one another. I think there's a very positive societal and capitalist way forward here.