Thanks very much.
It's great that we've been working in a non-partisan way, although today Mr. Kent seems to be more partisan than usual. I look forward to him inviting Hamish Marshall to our committee, who said that psychographic profiling is incredibly useful and not for the faint of heart.
Mr. Wylie, we've identified illegal conduct, I think, or potentially illegal conduct in relation to Brexit and spending. We've talked about AIQ's role, and they knew at the time that any overspending of a 7-million pound limit would have caused problems for Vote Leave, yet they funnelled money to other organizations. We know from testimony at the U.K. committee, from what I understand, that the same custom audiences were uploaded for both the BeLeave campaigns and the Vote Leave campaigns, yet AIQ had told us that no, the information was provided by the respective campaigns, which quite clearly is now a lie. That's potentially illegal conduct.
We have potentially illegal conduct or at least contrary to PIPEDA when Facebook shared, overshared information, potentially even private messages to Kogan, and Kogan then potentially improperly or illegally passed that on to Cambridge Analytica.
Are there other examples of potentially illegal conduct this committee should be seized with or be aware of?