Well, you hear it; you hear muttering, frequently. When I come to committees, quite often I hear comments about people being offered a shrimp at a cocktail party and whether they should accept it or not. There are a lot of facetious comments made about the gift rules. I have always said there are normal courtesy rules. If something's worth under $25 or $35, I'm not going to worry about it normally—and I've put all those sorts of things in my guidelines.
The other thing that's raised gifts to the fore this year is that the lobbying commissioner put out some rules on gifts, and the lobbyists have gotten quite excited about them. In her rules, there's a cross-reference to my act, so we're getting a lot of requests from lobbyists as well to interpret our rules, and of course, you can't interpret them generally for lobbyists because each individual member has a different relationship with various lobbyists.
It's a complicated subject.