I'll jump in here first. For me, it's a little bit of everything. We definitely need regulation. If the past year has taught us anything it's that we need to step in, and government has a really important role to play in regulating these platforms.
I think private self-regulation is also an important thing to address here. For your example with Myanmar and how Facebook caused a lot of fake news and misinformation to spread, leading to violence and death, I think that's a real, serious problem. Like you said, we have these companies that operate globally, but they don't have staff working in each country on the content moderation side to address a lot of the very local problems.
Having a content moderator sitting in California who doesn't know anything about the history and culture of Myanmar or Sri Lanka, or a lot of these other countries where there are ethnic tensions, making decisions about content is a really big problem. Yet Facebook has advertising staff in a lot of these countries, so I think stepping up on their content moderation and making it more global and inclusive is a good private, self-regulatory step that governments could also push onto the platforms.