I'm unfamiliar with that provision, so I can't speak directly on that point. More generally, the point is well taken that if these companies have very little to fear in terms of liability, their incentives then can be askew. To Bianca's point earlier, there was discussion about a fair exchange. The point that she raises is correct that users may get a free cup of coffee, but they don't necessarily know, first, what the value of their data is; second, who else can have access to that data; or then third, how that data could be used to profile them. That could have significant implications, not only in terms of economic implications but also implications on governance, implications on start-ups and the like.
Any sort of limitation of liability of these data-opolies should be something that should be scrutinized quite carefully to ensure that the incentives that the data-opolies have are aligned with the citizens' interests.