That's fair.
Mr. Santor, this is my last question.
Ms. Wilkins, senior deputy governor, remarked in February of this year that data has become another source of monopoly power. She indicated two concerns. One, it might impact innovation in a negative way, and two, it may well return to monopoly pricing in the long run.
There may be some other concerns. We've certainly heard some other potential antitrust concerns from other witnesses here.
She threw out some potential solutions that other people have been talking about regarding how we regulate ownership and the sharing of information, and maybe treating tech platforms as utilities.
When we had the CRTC here on net neutrality, they talked about a section that says companies can't unjustly discriminate or give undue reasonable preference towards themselves—or any person, but including towards themselves—or subject any person to unreasonable disadvantage. That's to get at equal treatment.
Should we regulate Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon and Microsoft? Shouldn't we treat them the same as Rogers and Bell?