Thanks very much.
Mr. Durocher, in your report, the white paper, it indicates that the purpose of the act and the review, when you look at big data, the goal really is to ensure an innovative, efficient and prosperous economy. There's a conversation about substitutability. It's not just the price; you could talk about quality.
We had some folks here talking about the worries about antitrust. It was on this point, quite apart from pricing. People are put in a position—Ms. Vandenbeld got at this—where you're forced to deal with a monopoly.
We have the Bank of Canada suggesting that the five biggest global tech companies have a market cap of $3.5 trillion U.S. There are certain companies we have to deal with in our day-to-day lives. There's no choice to be made. We have to give up what we give up to access the service. It's not necessarily a price consideration, but there's a quality consideration. Part of that quality of service is the data and the privacy that I potentially give up.
That was not a big part of the conversation when you were looking at big data in the paper. I wonder if you could speak to that.