Thank you, Chair.
Thank you, Mr. O'Connor, for attending today.
I must say I was a bit surprised at the opening round of questions by Mr. Erskine-Smith, with the emotion and the passion. There seems to be a little bit of an issue with a constituent in the constituency, and I understand the background for that.
Mr. O'Connor, as you're aware, there have been a host of third parties active in Canadian elections, increasingly in recent years. In 2015, we had any number of Canadian third party players tied to Canada—the Dogwood initiative, Sisu Institute, the DI Foundation, the Salal Foundation, and, of course, Leadnow.
It's interesting that all of these Canadian third party players, either directly in elections or in election-related anti-resource development campaigns, were parented and subsidized in a variety of ways by American organizations, such as the Tides Foundation U.S.A., the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, or the Online Progressive Engagement Network, know by its acronym OPEN, which was itself created by an American organization called the Citizen Engagement Laboratory, which self-identifies as the people behind the people.
Recognizing the statement you made in your opening remarks, again, for the record, does Ontario Proud have an American or, for that matter, any other foreign benefactor of funds, direction or technological support?