You have a number of elements that are very positive in what you've described in terms of the transparency associated with each service that's provided and the ease of access to this online by citizens.
I want to make one comment about blockchain. Let us not assume that blockchain is this great anonymous technology. It's not. It has benefits, but it also may have negatives. It's also been hacked. I'm going to read one very short sentence that came out from a text on the GDPR. GDPR is this new law that came into effect in the European Union. They said, “Especially with blockchain, there is no alternative to implementing privacy by design from the start, as the usual add-on privacy and enhancements simply will not satisfy the requirements of the GDPR.” GDPR has raised the bar on privacy dramatically. They're saying, “Sure, use blockchain, but don't do it without privacy by design because you have to make sure privacy is embedded into the blockchain.” There are some companies, like Enigma, that do it beautifully. They have an additional privacy layer.
I just want us to be careful not to embrace blockchain and other technologies without really looking under the hood and seeing what's happening in terms of privacy.