I would like to start by commending this committee for the reports it has put out over the last year or so, which I think have been really, really strong and have helped fuel a lot of the public discussion in this area. I think it's been really valuable.
I would say that I don't know what the government is thinking on this. I do know that they have held a consultation on a national data strategy. I guess in some ways I'm waiting to see what comes out of that. To me a national data strategy, to harken back to my comments off the top, really, if they take a holistic approach that recognizes that part of what you're dealing with in that context, includes data governance-related issues, PIPEDA-related issues, private sector-, public sector-, and Privacy Act-related issues including some of the enforcement types of issues that have been raised repeatedly by the Privacy Commissioner. That tells me there's a recognition that it's critically important to get that piece right for any number of reasons, including the prospect of trying to embrace some of the e-services that the government might want to move toward.