I think I understand. We're skating a little further ahead.
Let's say we start today. Estonia's benefit is that they were a new country and they were starting fresh, so they wouldn't have to convert. They're a small country with a small number of people, relatively speaking. Let's say we start today. It seems to me that the first step we have to do.... I agree with Ms. Cavoukian that we can keep the silos, and I agree that it's the safer approach. What Estonia does is they have a backbone so you can come in and go here or you can come in and go there, but it's not all one big database.
I also believe it will be a lot easier to build out from our existing silos, as opposed to trying to do it.... I'm in agreement with that, but it seems to me that if we're going to do it, we have to start off with a digital link, okay? Let's say I'm Frank Baylis and I just showed up on the system. “Okay,” it says, “prove to me you're Frank Baylis.” Right now, it says to type in my SIN, that number, and that's pretty easy to rip off, right? Whereas if it says, “Let's get a scan of your eyes” or “Let's get some biometrics” and some questions asked and all of that, it seems to me that, to your point, you could have privacy and security.
I think that was the first statement you made, Ms. Cavoukian. Can we not start there and have an agreement on that before we get into all the other stuff?
I'll pass it back. I cut you off. I'm sorry.