I agree. I totally support the principle of privacy by design. I would say this with regard to the fact that digitization is something that will necessarily happen—that's true—but privacy by design means that, again, the way in which we proceed needs to be thought out seriously and rigorously.
One of the issues to be considered is the role of the private sector in the delivery of services by government. You mentioned the wild west. You're well placed to know there are important problems with the way in which certain corporations are handling the personal data of individuals. Improving government services is being thought out in terms of relying on technology owned by the private sector in the delivery of services. That's fine, but the way in which these services will be delivered, calling on the private sector—say, the Alexas of this world—the government needs to be very careful as to how this will happen for many reasons, including who owns or controls the information that goes through Alexa when a citizen is asking for services from its government. What happens to that information? Is this information under public control or private control? Is it monetized or not? These are very important and fundamental questions.