I would only add that this does speak to the issue of why Facebook needs to be held accountable. There's a study each year from Edelman called the “Trust Barometer”, and we saw that institutional trust declined in light of Facebook. Edelman went deeper for the first time and started to unpack what was happening, particularly with the trust in media, which is the part I get most concerned about in my role. The trust in journalism was going up or rebounding, and it was actually the trust in platform itself where the issue was. These platforms are embedded in our lives, and they start to affect trust in other areas, so the question of whether we could trust the media started to be impacted by what was going on with Facebook and the declining trust of that platform.
They just put out their new research three weeks ago, and there was a 30-point gap in trust between social media and traditional media. It worries me when you have a platform that's kind of gone awry and it starts to affect everything.