I'd like to come back first to Mr. Vickery. Canadian government departments—a number of them, any number of them—have been hacked any number of times in the last 10 years, most notably by Chinese operators either contracted by the Chinese government or suspected to have an interest in serving Chinese government interests.
The Government of Estonia, in 2007, weathered a huge cyber-attack by Russia. I'll just quote the Estonian website, which reassures Estonians about the security of their site. It says:
After Estonia’s experience with the 2007 cyber attacks, scalable blockchain technology was developed to ensure integrity of data stored.... Estonia became host to the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence and the European IT agency.
All of that said—and it does seem to be a good system—do you believe their system is impenetrable by those who would hack it, either through the agencies, the various government agencies holding data, or through one of the users, one of the possessors of an identity card and the chip it contains?