My fear is that the Privacy Act is actually impeding certain types of activities and innovation that we would want to have, and not necessarily preventing certain types of activities that we don't want to have. That's why I worry about the current state of the Privacy Act. I don't think it's far from perfect, but I think it probably needs a little bit of reworking.
Then, more importantly, are we setting expectations among the public about what they want? Even an opt-in world.... You know, in India, they did an opt-in; in theory, their unique identifier was opt-in as well. However, the alternative has become so poorly done that, really, if you don't opt in, the service level is so terrible that everybody ends up opting in. So, are you really opting in because you're happy to give this information over to the government and you actually believe that it's going to use it in good faith, or is the hassle level simply so high that you don't really feel like you have a choice anymore? I would really want to make sure that I answer that question carefully.