First of all, I'm going to let Kristina talk about the sort of accountability framework that will be in place, but I go to work every day excited not just by the Quayside project but also by what we might able to achieve on affordability, sustainability and mobility. Kristina looks after the tech part.
I'm excited to go to work every day. People are very enthusiastic. I know that there are some folks out there who are very concerned about the project. We're concerned about data and privacy, like everybody else, but we're also enthusiastic, and there are a lot of people who come to our public engagement and round tables, etc., and who are enthusiastic and want to see where this might go.
We also have a lot of other projects that we're working on. We have flood protection, which this government has very graciously given us $400 million to do. We're enthusiastic about all those projects as well.
Kristina, did you want to talk about it?