Thank you very much, Chair.
Just to be very clear, I believe that Waterfront Toronto is a wonderful organization with a terrific history, but given the secrecy and the initial statement by Mr. Doctoroff, “give us a city to run”, there is widespread suspicion. In the last week, social media has been alive with it. I've talked to councillors. I've talked to MPPs in the provincial legislature, who are very worried that Waterfront Toronto, a worthy organization with decades of worthy goals for the Toronto waterfront, is being steamrolled by a Google sibling.
The parliamentary secretary may not have been following this committee's work for the past year since the Cambridge Analytica-Facebook-AggregateIQ scandal, but in the testimony that we've taken, we have learned some very serious and, in some cases, very disturbing truths about the data-opolies, including the Google family.
I hope you understand that this is the impression. I understand also.... I don't know if it's true, and I'd like to ask you to speak to this. I'm told that the mood of the staff of Waterfront Toronto and its various internal divisions is not good because of the overwhelming preoccupation of the Sidewalk Labs project. Could you address that? Is that a wrong impression?