I'll just say briefly that I've never heard Ezra say that I'm so “right” before, in another sense of the word.
The Liberals have a minority majority: the largest number of seats with the lowest percentage of votes since Confederation. They should be walking on eggshells. These issues are issues that swing voters swing on. They pay attention to how government governs as much as to any substantive issue. It has been proven across the country in the last 20 years: parties that have promised to do these things have won elections and those that have failed to do them have lost elections.
The Liberals have this chance of offering either hope or false hope. They should be walking on eggshells and had better come through, or they will disappoint and lose voter support very quickly on something like this. These are hot button issues: honesty, ethics, openness, representativeness, waste prevention. It all goes to transparency, and transparency is part of ensuring all of those things. These are hot button issues for swing voters, and they will swing very fast and viciously, if you disappoint them on these kinds of promises.