Well, I think there is now a reasonable limit of 30 days set in the act. Then, extensions can be requested because some requests, as you mentioned, do take longer.
Just to step back from it a bit in terms of a systemic issue, a request and search system is inefficient and wastes money. The Internet exists. When someone goes to a meeting in the government, someone else is there typing away the minutes, and then they send it around by email, and “click”. Just have a button where they can click and upload it. Then the request doesn't have to be made and someone doesn't have to be there fulfilling it. That's where the waste is and that's where the cost is. Modernize the system and use the electronic tools that are definitely there, as I know you're hearing from open data activists, software developers, and others. It's all there to modernize the system, get away from this inefficient access search system, and move towards simply a search system. The access is proactive. It can be done. It is a cultural change but in terms of electronic change it's already there. People are not going to meetings and writing down on pads, and if they are, they can snap it with their phone and upload it.