Thank you for that question. It is actually an excellent question, as the importance of change management should not be underestimated as you go from having a traditional service to a digital service. You fundamentally are introducing many new things to an existing set of stakeholders who aren't necessarily aware of how these technologies work, why they should use them and how it is going to impact their lives.
Understanding this up front and having a change management program and mandate to ensure that you engage all the stakeholders within your enterprise, or, in this case, government services, and to ensure appropriate training and awareness are going to become very critical. Also, that training and awareness have to be constantly reiterated, and at a level that's very basic, for everyone to understand.
It's also important to recognize that the speed of adoption is not going to be consistent. There are going to be early adopters and there are going to be laggards, and having a mechanism to bring everyone along that journey is going to be critical.