I remember when Liberty Village was a whole bunch of broken-down old factories that punk bands like mine used to practice in, and now it's so hoity-toity. We thought we were at the end of the world when we used to have to go there or to Gooderham and Worts. That was considered the end of civilization, and now it is extremely valuable.
Very few cities have that kind of real estate that hasn't been developed and is in the exact ideal location. When I'm looking at this project, I'm thinking that Waterfront Toronto is looking at a number of potential operations that could really vitalize the city, the way the revitalization of the docklands in New York and Brooklyn did. The question is, was it for 12 acres or was it for the whole enchilada? That, to me, is a pretty straightforward question. We asked Dan Doctoroff, and he said that it's in the RFP, that it was always for the whole thing, that's what Waterfront Toronto.... But I read the RFP and it said that it was for 12 acres.
What was it? Was it 12 acres or was it for the whole thing?