Thank you, Mr. Chair.
The ethical difficulty all these new platforms raise is due to the fact that individuals are not all necessarily aware of what artificial intelligence means and the degree of acceptance may vary considerably.
I'll give you an example. Personally, it does not bother me that thanks to algorithms, my favourite colour or the brand of my car is known. However, some people are very reluctant and absolutely do not want anyone to know anything about them on these platforms. Unfortunately for them, I think it is already too late. Private businesses acquire a lot of personal information about us. Their data bases grow annually and they can practically predict the date of our death by using algorithms.
Mr. Dilhac, you said that there were a lot of regulations but very few laws in this area. I can understand that it's quite difficult to adopt laws to manage tools that don't respect borders. Nevertheless, as legislators, we have to protect the population. Where should we start?