Well, my background before going to graduate school was as a software engineer, and my memory of that time as a software engineer fits with what many commentators are saying now: that software engineering does not have a safety culture. It does not have a culture that we would analogize to industries like, for example, airline travel.
I guess the question is, can we imagine changing something that's big and that has already happened? You mentioned recent revelations about Facebook and the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Can we imagine changing something that looks extremely bad with something that looks extremely safe?
Again, I used the example of air travel, but I think it's possible.... I mean, I can't imagine that the Wright brothers had a safety culture, right? There was some way in which government regulation started slowly and accreted. We have an industry that's regulated, and we now consider—perhaps the Max 8 is an exception—this industry to be a safe industry. We're not concerned about air travel.
I would say that this is the trajectory we need for these industries. We need a sense where it's the role of the government to make sure that the public is safe, and we can do it with social media if we did it with other dangerous things.