Thank you. Maybe I'll make one comment on accountability.
From the experience we had in Germany with the introduction of our law, the so-called NetzDG, I would say that the aspect of accountability is one of the frequently mentioned aspects from which the networks have a lot of headaches, because at that point it's really getting personal, so I completely agree with what you said.
Professor Zuboff, I would like to ask you about the support of new forms of citizen action, which you mentioned. Being elected officials here, we know exactly how important it is to also convince the public, our voters. Also, from our experience in Germany, we know that many users have a lot of fear of something like what Roger McNamee mentioned—that we will shut it down. I don't know if we would exactly earn a lot of praise for doing that. We would have a lot of problems with our citizens.
How would you say we could encourage the users—the citizens—that some steps like these are needed? How can we avoid having that perceived as some sort of censorship by governments? We are always in that area where government interference can also be perceived as censorship.