Thank you very much.
I have another question. Could you give me some sort of procedural way forward? Because I'm a pharmacist, I like to think in terms of cases. Let's say there's a case, a national security case. We talked about cabinet confidences, so are you proposing that, if somebody has an access to information request about a national security case that's discussed in cabinet, the Information Commissioner would have the ability to review that request or to review those cabinet documents?
The reason I ask that is because, if it's a national security matter, that means whoever the Information Commissioner is would require a national security clearance, and on top of that, if it's a question about something that involves something international or some other domestic priority maybe, then you may want to call in an adviser to give you some commentary or advice about that specific matter. That would mean that person would have to have a national security clearance. I'm just wondering how that would play out.