I've not been aware of it, so this is just an immediate reaction to your question.
It would lower public confidence in it down to, perhaps, an unacceptable level. The mere fact that it can be done would be enough to damage the integrity of the system, in my view. I could it see at the federal level; I can't see it at a provincial level. I could see a need at the federal level where national security or national defence is involved. I could see a ministerial veto or an order in council veto at that level, but I would think it would have to be very severely limited and constrained. There could clearly be justification for it in that kind of circumstance, in my view. However, there could be no justification for it if it dealt with development of agricultural policy or immigration policy, or anything else of that nature. But where national security or national defence issues were involved, I could see a need for it there.
That's simply a personal view.