When we consider a complaint to be valid, that means that the institution did not meet its obligations under the act. Nearly 80% of the administrative files are valid, in other words, the timeline was not respected. As far as refusal complaints are concerned, roughly 50% are deemed valid every year. It is roughly fifty-fifty.
There is something that has changed the game a bit in the past two years. We are doing everything we can to resolve complaints. We have a new category called “resolved”. In those cases we do not say whether the complaint is valid or not. This is simply to process the files more quickly. It is a bit like the approach to conflict resolution. We do more mediation at the beginning to move the files along more quickly. We have many files that are resolved. We do not say whether the institution acted poorly or not. Usually, when a file is resolved it is because the information was disclosed. This new category changes the game a bit. Generally, when it comes to refusal complaints, it is fifty-fifty.