There are two things to your question.
First of all, if someone makes an access request for their own personal information, it would be covered by the Privacy Act, so I invite you to ask this question of the Privacy Commissioner, because it's not something that I looked at. What's covered under our act is if someone.... This is where the two acts intersect, by the way. It's what my colleague was talking about: the seamless code. It's the exemption for personal information. That is where the two acts intersect.
What we see in our files is that someone will make a request, a lot of the time through their employers, and they want to have information about everything having to do with their labour grievances. Their request under the Access to Information Act will deal with everything about their grievance, as opposed to their personal information. It's a much broader request under the Access to Information Act. In any event, that would have to be treated under the Access to Information Act in terms of where the information is located.
I think you'll have to ask the Privacy Commissioner if he's put any thought into your question, because that's not something that would fall within my purview.