I admit that I may talk to people who tend to already be interested in this issue, but certainly I've talked to people who aren't.
However, I saw a coming together of Canadians on Bill C-51 and a concern about the scope of information sharing that I hadn't seen before in recent years. Based on that and based on the response that CCLA had to the application that we brought and the very specific grounds in our application that referred to SCISA in particular and also broadly to Bill C-51, my answer is that we had a swell of support among Canadians.
I would also point out that other colleagues among civil liberties organizations had petitions that were signed by hundreds of thousands of Canadians, so I think that Canadians are very concerned. We don't want an all-government all-knowing all-the-time society. We don't want an all-surveillance society.
We also recognize in this country that legitimate dissent and protest and disagreement and counter-speech are constitutionally protected rights in Canada, regardless of whether those opinions are directed at the Canadian government or a government anywhere else in the world. Provided that they don't engage in violence, these are activities that are protected. My view, based on the evidence of who signed up and who donated to the campaigns that we launched in this regard, is that Canadians are very much on board with protecting our privacy and making sure that any information shared is necessary and proportional.