I appreciate the question and the comments.
Certainly, I think that in looking broadly at the review of the Privacy Act and reflecting on some of the comments I made in my opening remarks, the integrity of the Privacy Act and the review we're undertaking is dependent on, and wants to bolster, the trust that personal information data will be held in a secure manner, and that where there are breaches of the act, there is consideration of the appropriate remedies.
I'm certainly open to.... Again, not to sound like a broken record, but we really are at the investigative stage in understanding what's available in terms of the overview, renewal, and modernization of the Privacy Act as to what would be most appropriate. I'm very happy to receive feedback in that regard. To underline that, I think we need to ensure that individuals have trust that the governing institutions are appropriately managing and securing the data they acquire and have vis-à-vis the individuals.